Terre des Hommes International Federation is a global alliance dedicated to ensuring that every child’s rights are respected and fully implemented, leaving no one behind. Our mission is to influence political agendas and strategies that affect children and young people, ensuring their voices are heard at every level. Through targeted campaigns, we work to raise awareness, advocate for change, and hold governments accountable for their commitments to child rights. Our campaigns are built on a foundation of collaboration, partnering with children and young people, local communities, civil society and other stakeholders to create lasting impact and ensure a brighter, more just future for all children.
Current Campaigns

Child Safety On!
A campaign to combat child sexual abuse and exploitation and protect our children on the Internet.
Research has shown that at least three images or videos of sexual violence committed against children are shared online every second, of which more than 60% are uploaded to servers in Europe. As part of it’s core thematic strands, TDHIF campaigns to support the adoption of a new EU regulation to prevent and fight child sexual abuse online.
The #ChildSafetyOn campaign aims to ensure that children can navigate the digital world empowered and safe from the increasing risks of sexual abuse and exploitation.
Launched in 2023 to commemorate International Children’s Day and the United Nations Global Day of Parents, TDHIF and its partners of the Child Safety On! coalition, launched a mini campaign titled “Every Second Counts”.
This campaigns brought together survivors, safeguarders and supporters who called on European citizens and governments to support the regulation proposal.
Another related campaign, “Darkness Follows”, included an online petition, and the “Cleaning the Internet” march to the European Parliament, called on policy makers to ‘clean up the internet’ from sexual predators and protect children online.
Read more about the campaigns here.

Boosting Societal Adaptation and Mental Health in a Rapidly Digitalizing, Post-Pandemic Europe.
Digitalization brings many benefits, including access to information, communication, leisure, and eHealth, but also new challenges and risks for individuals and civil society. For adolescents, as enthusiastic users of digital technologies, benefits include opportunities for mediating transitions from the family to a wider peer community. Challenges include problems balancing time spent online and offline, posing new risks.
BootStRaP brings together a multidisciplinary consortium aiming to initiate health and social policy and practice change designed to reduce the harmful effects of digitalization on mental health, particularly for young people.
Learn more on the project website here.

Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts
Making the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration work for children.
Today, nearly 50 million children have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced. Every day and in every region, these children face a variety of rights violations, from exploitation and violence to being separated from their families, detained because of their migration status and deprived of essential protections and services. These abuses constitute a grave human rights crisis.
Within this context, the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts aims to ensure that the rights of children on the move and other children affected by migration are respected and fulfilled. This is a multi-stakeholder initiative which is co-convened by Terre des Hommes and Save the Children.
- Explore, engage, act: Children, Young People and the Global Compact on Refugees and for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts, 2018)
- Our Call for Answers: Children’s Manifesto to the Global Refugee Forum 2023
- Enhancing the Protection of Children and Promoting Child-focus Pledges and Good Practices to Advance the Objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees (Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts, 2019).
- Implementing the Global Compact on Refugees for Children: examples of child-focused work (Initiative, 2018)
- Child Rights in the Global Compacts’ Recommendations for the Global Compacts (Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts, 2017)
Former Campaigns

Destination Unknown
Championing the rights of children on the move.
Destination Unknown was a global alliance led by Terre des Hommes, of organisations committed to ensure that children and youth on the move enjoy their rights everywhere and all the time. With the experiences of children and young people at the heart, we empowered children, young people, their families and communities, learned from what works – and what children say works – and campaigned for lasting change in their lives.
- Guide: Children and the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration (Destination Unknown, 2021)
- Working in Partnership with Children & Young People on the Move: Strategies for Meaningful Participation (Destination Unknown and IICRD)
- Travailler en partenariat avec les enfants et les jeunes en mobilité: Stratégies et outils pour une participation significative
- Making Life Better for Children on the Move: Promising practices for working with and supporting children on the move (Destination Unknown, 2017)
- Testing new narratives about children and migration: South Africa (Destination Unknown, 2020)
- Testing new narratives about children and migration: Malta (Destination Unknown, 2020)
- Children on the move south in Africa: Motivations, Protection Risks and Recommendations (Destination Unknown)
- Creating new hope-based narratives about
children, young people and migration: Guidelines for communicators

Children Win
Changing the game of mega sporting events.
Children Win was a global campaign initiated and co-ordinated by Terre des Hommes between 2014-2018. Its mission was to ensure that child rights were protected, preserved and respected before, during and after the organisation and delivery of Mega Sporting Events (MSEs), and that every event ensures a positive legacy for future generations. Members pressured MSE organisers with a track record of turning a blind eye to human rights violations, and demanded change from them. The campaign compiled irrefutable evidence that major events, such as the FIFA World Cup™ or the Olympic Games, can directly harm children or expose them to risks such as forced eviction, violence and exploitation. The campaign aimed to end this.