Voices of young people: Empowering every child in the EU to have their say

Around 40 children from 15 EU Member States, aged 10 to 17, are gathering in Brussels from 26 to 28 June  for an event organized by the European Commission as part of the activities of the EU Child Participation Platform, which was established last year.

Terre des Hommes is strongly committed to meaningful, inclusive and safe child participation and is proud to support the EU Child Participation Platform’s mission to ensure children’s voices are heard and help children across the EU realise their right to participate in decision making and share, learn and connect with others.

The upcoming EU Child Participation Platform event is set to kick off on June 26th with the active participation of child advocates. Terre des Hommes is supporting 15-year-old Ioana, a passionate advocate from Romania, to participate in the event and discuss with decision-makers how to make important decisions in the European Union on laws, policies and issues that she and other children care about.

Ioana’s journey symbolizes the essence of the Platform: empowering children to actively engage in shaping the policies that affect their lives.

“When I first heard the news that I would be coming to Brussels and be part of this meeting I was overjoyed as it is an incredible opportunity for us children to make our voices understood. This remarkable opportunity allows us, as children, the privilege to express our voices and actively contribute to the creation of a safer and more welcoming environment for all children worldwide” said Ioana.

Ioana and her peers will have the opportunity to share their insights, learn from one another, and connect with key stakeholders, including representatives from the European Commission.

During the event, children will review the EU Child Participation Platform’s activities and outcomes from 2023-2024, gather feedback on necessary changes and initiatives should be carried forward, and define key priorities for the next Platform’s work plan.

This Platform provides an important space for children to connect and discuss with decision-makers on how to make impactful decisions on issues that matter most to them.

“During my discussions with the other young people and decision-makers, I hope to highlight several critical topics the Platform should work on. These include safeguarding children from the adverse impacts of climate change and environmental disasters, advocating for their right to quality education and overall well-being, protecting them from harmful content and misinformation, and finding ways to help children on the move feel safe and integrate in their new community”.

Stay tuned as Ioana and other young champions take center stage, bringing their unique perspectives and innovative ideas to the forefront and moving us towards a more inclusive and representative future for all children in the EU.

Terre des Hommes hopes that the Platform will be used systematically in the EU policy and decision making in the years to come.

For more information on the platform, visit the EU Child Participation Platform