Red lines to the Regulation on “prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market”

As the negotiations on the content of the EU Regulation banning forced labour advance, Terre des Hommes together with a coalition of Civil Society Organizations and Trade Unions have sent a letter to all MEPs of the European Parliament’s Committees on the International Trade and Internal Market (who are responsible for this file) to strongly call for changes to the legislation.
We believe that these changes are essential to foster better working conditions for all as well as to protect and improve the lives of workers, including of millions children, trapped in situations of forced labour by providing them with adequate remedies. In addition, Terre des Hommes and partners call on MEPs of both Committees to remain cautious against the inclusion of hazardous forms of child labour within the regulation as this could cause further economic devastation making the problem worse.
Please read our letter and red lines here.
Picture ©Tdh/Sophia Garcia